3D CAD Engineering Services

Engineer Skills

3 Major Skills Refined by Engineers at SOLIZE

Professionals who do business with strength and can meet expectations

SOLIZE is a professional group that covers a wide range of product development, from design to industrial technology, not to mention high-end CAD management. We aim for our engineers to be able to work actively onsite as immediate assets to their teams, and to be trusted businesspeople with excellent communication.

At SOLIZE, we train our engineers with a good balance of technical, human, and business skills in order to work our hardest and meet our customers’ high expectations.

SOLIZE Engineer Skills

Our Support System Always Comes Face to Face with Customer Needs

What we do to put our best foot forward

In addition to providing technical support for our engineers, SOLIZE provides other kinds of support, such as mental and physical health follow-ups, so we can always perform at our best. Sales representatives regularly visit customers, getting a good grasp of what’s requested, and working hard to avoid any potential problems. Also, during regular interviews with engineers, we take great care to meet and speak directly with them, sharing customer needs and industry trends, as well as providing career support and other assistance.

Branch-wide backup for all our engineers

Each of our branches in East Japan, Kanto, Chubu and West Japan has a support system in place for engineers in each region, providing detailed support through group leaders, leaders, and cell leaders.

Engineer support system

Contact Us

TEL:+81-3-5214-1919 (Sales Division) /